Cheap Silent Cal's Almanack: The Homespun Wit and Wisdom of Vermont's Calvin Coolidge Discount Review Shop
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Cheap "Silent Cal's Almanack: The Homespun Wit and Wisdom of Vermont's Calvin Coolidge" Discount Review Shop
"Silent Cal's Almanack: The Homespun Wit and Wisdom of Vermont's Calvin Coolidge" Overview
A treasury of the wit and wisdom of Calvin Coolidge, America's surprisingly eloquent 30th President. Silent Cal's Almanack includes:
- The ultimate distillation of Calvin Coolidge political wisdom.
- A selection of Silent Cal's key speeches.
- A thought-provoking original biographical essay.
- A fascinating and unique 50-page portfolio of Coolidge photos, editorial cartoons and campaign memorabilia.
- A Coolidge timeline.
- A Coolidge bibliography.
"He wrote simply, innocently, artlessly," H. L. Mencken once noted regarding Coolidge's prose, "He forgot all the literary affectations and set down his ideas exactly as they came into his head. The result was a bald, but strangely appealing piece of writing-a composition of almost Lincolnian austerity and beauty. The true Vermonter was in every line of it."
Supreme Court Justice David Souter recently wrote of Calvin Coolidge: "The simple beauty of his English prose exceeds anything I could say in praise of it."
"Calvin Coolidge was one of the greatest presidents of the 20th century and is certainly the most underrated. This book, compiled by one of my favorite historians, will give readers a full appreciation of why silent Cal's wisdom shines like a beacon through the fog of historical amnesia."--Jonah Goldberg
"delightful" -- Burton Folsom
"great work" -- George Will
"a gem of a book" --Elizabeth Kantor
"very good" -- Blog and Mablog
"I dipped into this treasury and gleaned much from [Coolidge's] wisdom." -- Thomas F. Roeser
Featured on the Glenn Beck Show and C-SPAN's BookTV.
C-SPAN has selected Mr. Pietrusza's talk on "Silent Cal's Almanack' for inclusion in its online "C-SPAN Classroom" initiative for the nation's social studies teachers.
Cheap "Silent Cal's Almanack: The Homespun Wit and Wisdom of Vermont's Calvin Coolidge" Discount Review Shop
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